Kioi Co

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Succession Law: Is my Will valid?

A will is a legal document created to provide instructions on how an individual’s property and custody of minor children, if any, should be handled after death.In this article we shall focus on what makes a will valid and cannot be revoked.  The Law of Succession Act provides certain requirements that must be adhered to […]
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Estate Planning in Kenya

This is the process of anticipating and arranging for the disposal of an Estate. It can also be defined as the process of designating who will receive your assets and handle your responsibilities after your death or incapacitation. The main reason for estate planning is to reduce uncertainties in the administration of the deceased or […]
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Testator: Executor of a Will and their role

A testator normally appoints an executor to administer his/her estate in the event of his/her death. Where the testator fails to appoint an executor, in this case, the court may appoint any person including friends and family who have petitioned the court to be executors. Section 83 of the Law of Succession Act specifies and […]
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The Succession Process In Kenya.

What is succession? This is the process of passing the legal rights of the deceased property to his/her successors. There are two types of succession processes namely; testate succession and intestate succession.  Testate succession is where a person has a will which takes effect after his or her death. While intestate succession is where a […]
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The Divorce Process In Kenya.

The divorce process in Kenya is governed by Marriage Act No. 4 of 2014. In this article, we will focus on answering the following questions; what is divorce? What are the grounds for divorce in Kenya? and lastly, what is the procedure for a divorce? What is a divorce? The Marriage Act does not expressly […]
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